LG fridge service center in Saibaba Colony , Coimbatore - 641011

If you have a problem with your LG fridge in Saibaba Colony , you can send information through your phone by contacting the Coimbatore Service. You will be able to speak directly to one of our technicians. The technician records the information transmitted by your LG fridge and uses it to analyze. We provide a quick and effective LG fridge service in Saibaba Colony .

You can Book a LG fridge service by calling +91 9597694428.


Professionals Technician

In our service center you can carry out repairs with a guarantee for the work performed



We carry out warranty repairs for a large number of brands. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the full list of supported companies

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Create a request

Here you can apply to call the technician at home or order the necessary part for your equipment