UE and uE Error Code - LG Washing Machines

LG washing machine - UE and uE error codes

spin never starts. The machine spins the drum the same way as when washing and rinsing, but does not gain momentum. For some time, she leaves no attempts to gain speed and squeeze the laundry, and then she stops, “writes” the UE error (capital letter U!) On the display and ends the washing program. Some LG models with a screen may also generate an uE error (small u!) While trying to gain speed.

Depending on the model, LG washing machines without a display may blink or burn at the same time with this error:

  • all spin indicators (bulbs)
  • LEDs 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6

Error decoding

For some reason, the washing machine could not evenly distribute the load of the drum along the axis of rotation. Distinguish between uE and UE errors.

The code uE (small letter u!) Means that the LG has detected an unbalanced load and is trying to fix this problem on its own (by adding a little water and distributing the laundry along the walls of the drum). uE (small letter u!) is displayed for information, no action is required on your part. The UE code (capital letter U!) Means that despite all the efforts to distribute the load along the drum axis, the washing machine failed to do this - your intervention is already required.

The appearance of the inscription UE (capital letter U!) On the display could be caused by trifling problems that can be solved on our own, or serious malfunctions. First of all, you should pay attention to the regularity of the error. If it appears from time to time, then most likely everything is in order with your washing machine. But the appearance of the UE code and the lack of spin during each wash, unfortunately, indicates a malfunction of your LG.

UE error - what to do, how to fix it yourself

  • Quite often, an overload of the LG washing machine (laid down for washing a large blanket) or, on the contrary, insufficient loading (put 1-2 small things) lead to a UE error. In such cases, you won’t be able to “squeeze” the machine out of the laundry. The drum weight distribution control system will not allow you to do this. And the error that occurred is a normal reaction of the washing machine to a violation of the operating rules. Unload (or vice versa load) the machine, and then it will wring out, and the error will disappear.
  • Try to open the machine and shift things in the drum more evenly by hand. Sometimes when washing things that differ greatly in weight, the washing machine cannot automatically decompose them. Then run the spin again.
  • Check with a level whether the washing machine is level.
  • There may have been a malfunction in the control unit (electronic controller) of the washing machine. Try unplugging the machine from the wall outlet and after 10 to 20 minutes turn it on again.