The washing machine does not start, and the indicators do not light up

The washing machine does not start, and the indicators do not light up

When the washing machine does not turn on, and the indicators do not light up, many people think the appliance has been badly damaged and only a competent mechanic can fix it. But the cause of the breakdown is only sometimes so serious. Sometimes it's a simple malfunction that you can fix with your own hands. So let's figure out why the machine may not start and where to start diagnosing.

What could be broken?

At any moment, a properly functioning washing machine yesterday may stop working. In such a situation, when the machine connects to the outlet and the network key is pressed, nothing happens - the device does not emit a sound signal, and the LEDs on the control panel remain extinguished. The reasons for this behaviour of technology can be the following:

  • Malfunction of the outlet where the network wire is connected,
  • Cord plug damage,
  • A power outage in a house or apartment,
  • Failure of the noise suppression filter,
  • Defective power cord,
  • Sticking or damage to the on button,
  • Malfunction of the control module,
  • Broken wiring inside the washer.

Therefore, before calling the wizard, you should find out the probable cause of the problem. A burnt cord, its plug, and a damaged surge protector can completely replace by yourself. The start button is also easy to repair. Let's figure out where to start diagnosing.

Pay attention to electrical communications.

A banal situation is when the machine does not turn on because there is no electricity supply. It often happens that the hostess has planned a wash, is trying to start the machine, and the equipment does not show signs of life. Check if there is light in the apartment - click the nearest switch. There may be no power in the whole house, or it was on your panel that knocked out the plugs.

Another problem that can lead to a problem is a malfunctioning outlet. If it is old, the contacts may have burned out. But, again, checking the PowerPoint is easy - connect any other electrical appliance to it: a hairdryer, a kettle, a lamp. If small household appliances do not want to work, the matter is in the outlet.

What to do if there is light in the apartment and the socket is working? So the problem is in the washing machine itself. Checking should be performed from simple to complex. First, inspect the power cord and its plug - if they emit a burning smell or other defects, you must replace the components.

It is voltage fluctuations that can provoke a fire in the mains wire or damage to its plug. The cord check with a multimeter. The tester calls all the wires inside the insulation.

Next in line for inspection is the surge protector. He protects the washing machine from various interferences and takes the brunt of it - it dampens the voltage drops in the network, protecting the electronic microcircuits with which the modern automatic machine is crammed. When the capacitor burns out, power is not supplied to the main SMA modules, so the equipment does not turn on.


You can check and, if necessary, replace the power filter with your own hands. The algorithm of actions will be as follows:

  • De-energize the automatic machine, turn off the tap on the water pipe,
  • Move the machine away from the wall to have access to the back of the case,
  • Unscrew the 2 screws holding the top panel of the washer,
  • Remove the cover of the machine to the side,
  • Find the noise suppression filter - it is located at the exit point of the mains wire from the washer,
  • Disconnect the wiring from the capacitor and pull it out of the machine,
  • Put the multimeter into buzzer mode,
  • Ring the filter for the breakdown,
  • If there is no breakdown, check the FPS resistance.

To choose the right capacitor, it is better to show the manager in the store the original burnt part. Then the specialist will offer you a complete analogue. When this is impossible, tell the seller the automatic machine's model and serial number. Installing a new filter is very simple - fix it with bolts in the same place and bring the previously discarded wiring. Next, the body is assembled, and the machine is checked. If the capacitor was faulty, then after replacing it, the washer should work.

The power button is not responding.

Sometimes the machine refuses to turn on precisely because of damage or the power button sticking. Often, contacts are oxidized, and it stops responding to pressing. This assumption is checked immediately after diagnosing the power cord and noise filter.

To dismantle the button, you must remove the cover of the machine's body. Next, the wires are pulled off the key. It is better to photograph the connection diagram - this will help when reinstalling the part. Then you need to pry the latches-latches and pull out the button.


First, the removed button is called by a multimeter. After that, the resistance produces a check. Having identified a problem, you will have to change the part. Sometimes the problem can be solved by cleaning contacts, so the masters recommend trying this opportunity. Even if the key does not ring after that, you will have to replace it.

Chip burnt out.

The washing machine may not turn on because of a damaged control board chip. However, the electronic module of an automatic machine consists of many semiconductors, and it will be difficult for a non-specialist to understand which element has failed. Therefore, it is better to entrust the diagnosis of the microprocessor to the master.

Sometimes there are visible signs of damage on the control board, so that you can inspect it yourself. For this, you need the following:

  • De-energize the machine,
  • Pull out the powder receiver,
  • Unscrew the screws holding the control panel,
  • Remove the tidy,
  • Cope with the latches and disassemble the panel,
  • Get a control board.

After disassembling, inspect the control board. If there is no visible damage, most likely, we are talking about hidden defects that only a specialist can detect. Therefore, transferring the module to a service center for diagnostics and further repair is better.