A blockage, as a rule, occurs unexpectedly in a washing machine, but not without reason. Usually, the cause of a blockage in the car is the user himself, who does not take care of his own home assistant. It happens that the user, due to his carelessness, allows some small object to get into the washing machine tank, which then forms a blockage. Whatever the cause of the blockage, the problem must be solved. How? Let's talk about this in this publication.
If the washing machine suddenly becomes clogged, it is quite difficult to identify the clog only by external signs. Usually, if a severe blockage occurs, the drain stops functioning and the washing machine simply cannot drain waste water from the tank and freezes in the middle of the washing program. At the same time, you visually see through the glass of the hatch that there is water in the tank.
If the clog is weaker, the washing machine may not drain the water quickly enough. As a result, the washing machine issues an error code and also freezes in the middle of the wash, leaving the remaining waste water in the tank. These are symptoms characteristic of a blockage, but this does not mean that these symptoms are not characteristic of other malfunctions. In the article repairing a washing machine pump, we consider exactly the same symptoms in the case when the drain pump fails.
The same symptoms may occur if the control module or pressure switch of the washing machine is faulty. In general, it is impossible to do without a more detailed study of the issue. What can really be done to determine the malfunction? What is it, a blockage or not a blockage?
Unfortunately, there are no simple recipes in this case. You will have to check the entire list of possible faults one by one, moving from the simplest and most accessible testing options to the complex ones until you come across a breakdown.
If you find that one of the internal paths of the washing machine is clogged, the easiest way to fix the problem is to physically fix it on the spot by pulling out all the dirt with your fingers, a screwdriver, or other available means. This method is good, but it does not guarantee a solution to the problem if, for example, this blockage is not the only one.
We recommend that in addition to physical cleaning, you also use dry cleaning. After you assemble the washing machine and install it in place, purchase a universal cleaner for washing machines like. Pour this product into the tray of the washing machine and start the wash in boiling water at a temperature of 90 0 C. Firstly, you will rid your household helper of any remaining dirt, and secondly, you are guaranteed to return it to working capacity, unless, of course, some more comes out problem.
A blockage can occur if a foreign object gets into the drain (whether it is a pipe or a hose) and gets stuck there. Then dirt will quickly settle on it, and the drain will be tightly closed by a large dirt plug. What to do to prevent blockages in the washing machine? In fact, everything is very simple. It is necessary to regularly perform a number of simple actions that will almost 100% save you and your washing machine from these troubles.
In conclusion, we note that a blockage is not the worst problem that can befall a washing machine. However, if a clogged drain is not cleared in time, it can cause more serious problems. So don’t delay your search, try to get your assistant up and running as quickly as possible, and if that doesn’t work, without delay, call a technician, he will be able to clean the drain and eliminate many faults.
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