How to remove the LG washing machine door

How to remove the LG washing machine door

Damage to the door of a front-loading washing machine is a very common problem, but it is far from the most serious, because most often you can deal with it yourself without calling a service center specialist. At home, it is very easy to remove the door of an LG washing machine and replace the damaged element. The most important thing is to strictly follow the instructions so as not to accidentally damage the door or other components of the washing machine even more. We will tell you how to do it correctly with your own hands.

Dismantling the sash

First, you should remove the door from the machine so as not to try to restore it while hanging. To do this, the element must be dismantled together with the hinges, which will take about five minutes. Just follow our instructions so as not to accidentally damage anything:

  • Open the door so that all hinge fasteners have good access.
  • Get a set of open-end wrenches from the pantry.
  • Locate the retaining bolts near the door hinges.
  • Remove them using the 8 keys.

After the manipulations have been done, do not try to pull the door out right away, because you will not be able to do this until you release the element from the special hooks-holders. These special components hold the door together with the fixing bolts, so to dismantle the hatch, you will first have to lift the hinges by about 5 millimeters, and then pull the hatch towards you.

Only in this way can the door be safely removed from its seat. It is important not to use excessive force during the process, so as not to damage the fragile metal from which the hook holders are made.

What kind of breakdowns force the door to be removed?

Do not rush to repair the door, because first you should carefully study its design to understand what exactly could have broken down. Often, the design of the doors of "home helpers" of different brands is similar, but this does not mean that these elements do not have their own features that need to be taken into account during replacement or restoration. In addition, you need to understand the electrical circuit well to exclude the breakdown of the hatch locking device. Basically, washing machine doors need to be replaced due to the following:

  • The sunroof glass burst,
  • The latch began to jam, or the latch stopped working completely,
  • The hinges holding the door sagged,
  • The supports on the hinges broke.

Also, very often the already mentioned hatch locking device is to blame, located separately on the body of the automatic washing machine, but performing one of the key roles in locking the machine before the start of the working cycle. Let's proceed to a detailed study of the main problems with the hatch of the LG washing machine.

Actually the problem is in UBL

The user’s primary task is to make sure that the problem is caused not by mechanics, but by electrical, that is, UBL. There are different ways to understand that this particular node is to blame. Most often, this breakdown can be identified by the appearance of an error on the washing machine display. In addition, this is actively signaled by problems with the electronic door lock, both before and after the wash.

To check the device, you will first have to remove it from the machine. But do not rush to dismantle it, because first you need to prepare a flat-head Phillips screwdriver, a multimeter and a double wire. The wire must have terminals on one end and a plug for connecting to a 220-volt outlet. Once the tools are prepared, you can start working.

  • Disconnect the device from all communications for safety.
  • Disconnect the drain and inlet hoses.
  • Move the washing machine away from the wall to make it easier to work with.
  • Loosen the bolts holding the top cover of the washer so you can remove this panel later.
  • Put your hand through the hole that appears, loosen and remove the clamps holding the UBL in place - they are located immediately behind the door lock.
  • Disconnect the wiring from the electronic element while holding it with one hand.

Remove the hatch locking device.

Now you can proceed to diagnostics of the element. To do this, you need to switch the multimeter to the resistance measurement mode, apply the probes to zero and phase, and then evaluate the data obtained. If the tester gives a three-digit number, then the problem is clearly not in the blocking.

Next, you need to use a flat-head screwdriver to switch the hatch locking device to the open position and, using a pre-prepared wire, connect the element to the outlet. If the UBL responded to the connection and you heard a characteristic locking click, then the part is in good condition and does not need to be replaced. As an additional test, you can apply the tester probes to the neutral and common contacts - if the result on the display is “0,” then the hatch locking device is in order.

Restoring the locking mechanism

In a situation where the door does not close tightly, the most likely cause is the deformation of the latch lever. This is due to the appearance of irregularities on the element, which do not allow the door of the LG washing machine to close until it clicks. What should be done to eliminate such a malfunction?

  • Remove the door from its hinges according to the instructions indicated in the previous paragraph of the article.
  • Carefully file down all uneven areas, nicks and other defects using a regular file.
  • Lubricate the surface with graphite lubricant as a preventive measure.
  • Reinstall the hatch on the car.

If the element is no longer fixed due to sagging hinges or loose fasteners, you just need to adjust the door hinges. In this case, you need to tighten the fasteners exactly until they fit tightly into the grooves, and the door position is aligned.

Restoring a broken “window”

If the glass in your automatic washing machine is cracked, broken or even shattered, then further use of the household appliance becomes impossible. You will have to either glue it together properly or replace it completely if repair is impossible. In this case, it is often impossible to replace only the glass, so you will have to seal the cracks, change the entire door, or even buy a brand new LG washing machine. When the damage is not critical, you can try to seal the cracks according to our instructions.

  • On the outside of the glass, stick a polyethylene film with tape without any gaps or voids.
  • Glue reinforcing tape to the inside of the glass where there are cracks.
  • Prepare a solution of epoxy resin, for which you need to mix the resin with the hardener until a homogeneous composition, observing the proportion of 6 to 4 based on epoxy universal glue EDP. The end result should slightly resemble liquid sour cream, but the consistency should not be thicker. In case of discrepancy, you can additionally heat the solution in a water bath, not forgetting to stir it from time to time.
  • Fill all damaged areas with epoxy resin.
  • Leave the machine like this for the whole day.
  • After 24 hours, remove all the polyethylene and carefully smooth out any uneven areas.

To achieve the result, it is necessary to strictly follow the specified proportions, and also not to rush, not touching the washing machine for 24 hours or more. Otherwise, even the epoxy resin solution will not help to eliminate the problem.

If the handle is broken

Finally, let's look at the unpleasant situation when the problem is hidden in a damaged handle. In this case, you first need to remove the door according to our instructions, put it on a flat surface and unscrew all the retaining bolts. Carefully separate the two halves of the element and remove the glass. What to do with the part next?

  • Drill a hole in it about 4 millimeters long.
  • File the nail to a similar depth.
  • Heat the prepared nail and then insert it into the resulting hole.
  • Wait a couple of minutes and then check the condition of the part.

The door of the LG washing machine is as important a design element as any other, so it should be handled with care. Do not slam the door, do not hang heavy or wet objects on it, do not pull the handle or do anything else that the manufacturer warns about in the official instructions. Remember that careless handling of the "home assistant" threatens a quick breakdown, which will be followed by money spent on repairs.