How to disassemble a Vestel washing machine

How to disassemble a Vestel washing machine

It is quite difficult for a beginner to completely disassemble a Vestel washing machine. But to repair and dismantle parts, you will need to remove almost all the main components: from the powder receptacle to the tank. At the "finish" it is even more difficult - the tank will have to be sawed and the drum with the bearing unit removed. To cope with disassembly and not damage the machine elements, you need to follow the instructions from professionals. Where to start and what pitfalls to remember - we will tell you point by point.

Let's prepare the machine

Before you start disassembling Vestel, you should prepare. First, look for a suitable place for repairs - a workshop, garage or hallway. If there is no possibility to allocate a separate room, then make do with the bathroom. Disconnect the washing machine from electricity, water and sewerage, and then move it to the center of the room. Then drain the remaining water from the washing machine by unscrewing the drain filter or activating the emergency drain. The next step is to collect the necessary tools:

  • Screwdrivers,
  • Hammer,
  • Hacksaw for metal (if the washing machine has a cast tank),
  • Ratchet,
  • Spanners of suitable sizes,
  • Chisel, punch or puller (if you plan to repair the bearing assembly).

It is also recommended to prepare WD-40 lubricant. It will help you deal with scale and rust on the parts, which is necessary when dismantling the waste filter, tank, bearings and heating element. Do not forget about oilcloth and rags - they should be used to cover the floor around the machine.

Finally, we think over the storage of the removed parts. Large parts are placed near the machine in the order of their dismantling. Small elements, clamps, clamps, hooks, are sorted into prepared containers. Another option is to put the "small stuff" on the top panel of the washing machine.

Washing machine repairmen advise to stock up on a wire bent in the shape of "S". It is attached to the top of the side wall and is used as a hook for the dashboard. In this case, you will not have to dismantle the dashboard completely and disconnect the wiring connected to it. It is very difficult to reconnect the board to the wires.

We remove walls, panels and covers

Having prepared the place, the washing machine and the tools, we proceed to disassembly. First, the external elements are removed from the Vestel: the dispenser, the door, the top cover, the front and back panels of the case. The order of actions is as follows:

  • Find two bolts on the lugs on the back wall that hold the top cover,
  • Unscrew the bolts found,
  • Push the cover away from you, lift it, press the latches and remove it from the body,
  • Pull the dispenser all the way out, press the “tongue” in the central part of the tray and pull it out,
  • Unscrew the screws that were “hidden” in the tray niche,
  • Detach the dashboard from the washing machine and, without disconnecting the wiring, hang it on the prepared hook,
  • Loosen the bolts on the door hinges and detach the door from the washing machine,
  • Find the outer clamp on the cuff, loosen it and remove it,
  • Insert the rubber into the drum (there is no need to remove the seal completely, as it is quite difficult to pull it back).

The second step is to detach the front panel from the machine. To do this, unscrew all the screws holding it: near the dashboard, next to the drain filter and near the locking mechanism. Then, use a knife blade to pry up the panel, press the plastic latches and pull it towards you. The removed end is put aside.

Next, we move to the back. Here it is enough to unscrew the bolts along the perimeter of the panel and detach the wall from the body. The number of screws depends on the Vestel model. Most washing machines have about 4-6 of them.

Having dismantled the external elements of the washing machine, we get access to the "insides" of the equipment. But that's not all: for complete disassembly, you should free the tank from components, divide it into two halves and remove the drum. Detailed instructions are below.

We release the main container

The disassembly of Vestel continues with the release of the plastic tank. In simple terms, it is necessary to disconnect all connected wires, pipes, sensors and elements from the tank - more than 10 items. In order not to get confused, it is recommended to follow a certain sequence, starting from the back wall:

  • Tighten the drive belt (while simultaneously rotating the drum pulley),
  • Find the electric motor under the tank, free it from the wires and fasteners,
  • Press on the motor and, after rocking it, remove it from the “nest”,
  • Remove the heating element (disconnect the wiring, loosen the central nut, press on the rod and remove the heater).

Next, we move on to the "top". We unscrew the bolts holding the counterweights and, with someone's help, we take the blocks out of the housing one by one. Then we find the fill valve and the water level sensor, disconnect the wiring from them and pull them out of the machine. Then we loosen the clamps on the powder receiver hoses, unhooking the pipes from the tray.

Then we deal with the drainage system. We do it like this:

  • We look through the bottom,
  • We find the pump,
  • Disconnect the wires from the pump,
  • Loosen the bolts holding the pump,
  • Move the pump clockwise,

We press on the pump and, having removed it from the grooves, we take it out.

Finally, we leave the shock absorption. We disconnect the dampers from the washing tank and dismantle the racks. Next, we unhook the upper springs from the tank. As a result, the tank will be held only by the side hooks. All that remains is to lift the container and, having removed it from the grooves, pull it out. But you should be careful - the tank is quite heavy. To avoid dropping it, it is better to involve an assistant.

Let's take care of the plastic container

The removed tank must be placed on a flat and dry surface - the floor or a workbench. Usually, Vestel equipment is equipped with a solid tank, the two halves of which are welded using a special technology. In this case, it is more difficult to cut the tank in half: you will have to saw it with a hacksaw for metal, and then pull it back together, fix it with bolts and glue it with sealant.

It is easier if the tank on Vestel is detachable. Then you only need to unscrew the bolts along the seam and press the plastic latches. After the halves are disconnected from each other.

The general procedure for dismantling the tank is as follows:

  • Loosen the bolt located in the center of the pulley,
  • Disconnect the crosspiece from the tank (one of the blades will need to be clamped with the handle of a hammer),
  • Let's fill the tank halfway,
  • We leave the half on which the shaft is fixed,
  • Turn the tank upside down,
  • Using a flat-head screwdriver, we pry up the seal and pull it out of the recess,
  • Treat the area with wd-40 to remove scale and rust.
  • We remove the bearings using a punch, puller or chisel with a hammer.

When disassembling Vestel, it is advisable to take the time to clean the parts. All contaminated areas should be washed immediately with soapy water - the "nest" of the drainage filter, the pump snail and the bearing shaft. The components are cleaned separately from debris, especially the inlet and outlet hoses, as well as the powder receiver. If the layer of rust or limescale is too thick and does not give in, then it is necessary to treat it with WD-40 and leave it for 15-20 minutes. Minor scale can be removed with soda, salt or a special cleaner.

Dismantling the bearing unit is the final part of disassembling the machine. Next, the diagnostics of the washing machine or the sale of the removed parts begins. To assemble the machine, you need to repeat all the steps in reverse order, replacing all broken parts and treating the seal and the tank seam with sealant. In the end, you should run a test wash and evaluate the quality of the repair.