Disassembling a semi-automatic washing machine with your own hands

Disassembling a semi-automatic washing machine with your own hands

The need to disassemble a semi-automatic washing machine arises for various reasons. Sometimes this is required to repair the device, in some cases to extract useful household units from the body - a tank, engine and others. Let's figure out how to quickly, correctly and carefully separate an activator-type washing machine into parts.

Features of dismantling semiautomatic parts

Activator washing machines differ slightly in their internal "stuffing". The devices are quite unified, so having disassembled one model, you can easily do the same work with a semi-automatic machine from another manufacturer. Let's figure out where to start.

The standard algorithm for disassembling semiautomatic machines is as follows:

  • unscrew all the bolts on the machine body. Keep in mind that some manufacturers “hide” some of the screws in deep holes on the bottom of the device, and you can only get to the bolts with a long screwdriver,
  • unhook the centrifuge valve and brake,
  • Use a socket wrench to loosen the nut and remove the bolt located on the centrifuge shaft,
  • shake the upper part of the body in different directions to release the “stuck” fasteners,
  • tilt the "top" of the semiautomatic body back.

However, disassembling semi-automatic washing machines of some brands is not so easy. Beginners have difficulties due to certain design features of the devices. For example, to unscrew the nut from the tank when removing the motor on the SMP model, you will need to make a special key with your own hands. The tool is made from a pipe with a diameter of 3/4 inches.

To remove the top panel of the Saturn and Fairy washing machines, you need to unscrew the screw hidden on the back wall of the case. When dismantling the cover, you need to move it sideways, and only then remove it. On the Candy, Daewoo and Krista semi-automatic machines, many bolts are covered with special plugs, which can be difficult to find.

How to dismantle the activator?

If you are going to work with a Soviet semi-automatic machine, for example, the brand, then removing the activator with your own hands will not be so simple. Before you start disassembling, it is recommended to make a key. A homemade tool will make dismantling the unit much easier.


It is almost impossible to find a key for removing the activator from Soviet machines. Each semiautomatic machine requires its own tool. It is not difficult to make an individual device for dismantling, the work will take 10-15 minutes.

For example, to make a key for the activator washing machine you will need:

  • Metal tube (its length should be 15 cm longer than the size of the activator disk),
  • Drill,
  • Two bolts and nuts for them.

To make a key, follow these steps:

  • Drill 2 holes in the pipe, making them 9.5 cm apart,
  • Insert screws into the drilled holes so that the screws stick out 1-2 cm on the other side,
  • Secure the bolts with nuts.

This will be the key that will facilitate the removal of the activator. The further algorithm of actions is as follows:

  • De-energize the semi-automatic machine,
  • Remove the plug from the side of the appliance,
  • Rotate the activator disk so that the holes on the impeller and the housing panel are at the same level,
  • Lock the motor rotor with a screwdriver,
  • Insert the constructed key into the activator and remove the element.

Owners of washing machines semi-automatic will also have to work hard when removing the activator. In these semi-automatic machines, the disk is driven by a drive belt, like in automatic machines with a collector engine. In this situation, the sequence of actions will be as follows:

  • De-energize the device,
  • Loosen the fasteners securing the engine,
  • Remove the drive belt from the pulley,
  • Unscrew the nut that secures the pulley,
  • Remove the stopper,
  • Remove the activator.

In order for the semi-automatic machine to work properly after installing a new activator, it is important to adjust the element correctly. The disk can be shifted along the axis by no more than 0.5 mm, the distance between it and the tank should not exceed 2 mm.

Having found a long-forgotten activator machine in the garage, do not rush to throw away the device. Having disassembled the washing machine, you can dismantle several useful parts in the household. For example, the motor from the semi-automatic machine can be used for various "homemade" - a lathe, a crusher, etc.