It is no coincidence that manufacturers recommend washing small items, children's socks, girdles, and underwear, in specially designed bags. Otherwise, at the end of the wash, the user will be in for a “surprise” - something that was put into the machine will disappear. More precisely, when the cylinder is untwisted, it will fall into the tank. If the cord is stuck in the drum of the washing machine, then you cannot leave it like that - the system may become clogged and break down. It is better to go in search of the “lost thing.”
If you do not see laces among the washed items, do not panic and immediately disassemble the washing machine. The rope does not always get stuck in the tank or drum - it got caught in another place. First, we do this:
If the lost cord was not found in the mentioned places, it means that it managed to fall into the tank. As a rule, due to its low weight, the rope does not stay there, but “goes” along with the water into the drainage system. More precisely, it is wound onto a garbage filter or pump volute. To remove the product, you will have to disconnect the machine from communications, open the technical hatch door, lay down rags and unscrew the drainage nozzle. Afterwards, all that remains is to inspect the vacated hole and find the “lost thing.”
It is more difficult when the lace remains in the tank. You can get it in several ways, but it is better to start with the simplest.
There is a high probability that after repeated rinsing, the stuck string will leave the tank along with the water, remaining on the filter or snail. If the method does not work, then you should turn to more effective measures. It is strongly not recommended to leave the rope inside the machine - it can stick to the heater and cause its breakdown.
The pipe between the tank and the snail
On washing machines without a tray, you can get the stuck cord out through the bottom. It is enough to unhook the drainpipe from the tank and take the “lost” out. The procedure is as follows:
Afterwards, all that remains is to shine a flashlight through the hole and inspect the tank. Sometimes the lace falls out on its own, but often you must force it out. In the latter case, you will have to use your fingers, or a wire bent into a “hook.”
If the washing machine has a tray and protects the body from leaks, then it is better to abandon this method. Disabling the Aquastop system is not an easy task, which only professionals can handle. It is better not to risk it and get to the drain pipe another way or refuse to “hack” it yourself. The ideal option is to contact the service center for professional help.
On washing machines in which the heater is located on the back side under the tub, you can remove the stuck object through the hole in the heating element. Moreover, it is here that the “lost ones” cling, clinging to the hot spiral. You cannot leave a rope or other small thing here - the machine will stop heating at full strength, and the element itself will quickly burn out.
To remove the cord from the tank, you will first have to remove the heating element. We are guided by the following instructions:
As a rule, the lace is pulled out along with the heating element since the rope clings to the spiral. If the heater is “clean,” then you need to shine a flashlight through the hole and find the “lost” one. The item is obtained using an inserted hand, a screwdriver, or a bent wire.
After “releasing” the cord, it is recommended to carefully inspect the heater for defects. It is possible that even short-term contact with a foreign object damaged the heating element. If there is noticeable damage, cracks, or chips on the surface of the element, it must be replaced. Ideally, even visually the entire device should be checked with a multimeter. A replacement is selected based on the serial number of the washing machine.
After all the manipulations, the washing machine needs to be assembled. We follow the instructions described, only in reverse order. At the “finish,” we make sure to carry out a test wash, checking the correct installation of the heating element, drainpipe or garbage filter. Let us not forget about “working on mistakes”: from now on, it is better to wash small items in special protective bags.
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